Check out all the artists coming to perform at Gladiator Dash this year! Bring all your friends, come run the race, get some food and enjoy the show!

We understand that there are several runners out there that love mud runs and having to conquer obstacles as they make their way to the finish line but want to run much farther distances than a couple miles, so due to popular demand, Gladiator Dash is implementing a new race this year called the Endurance Race!
Here's how it works:
Those who sign up for the endurance race will start their heat at 7:45 that morning, and will continue to run the race until 1pm that afternoon. After each lap is completed a tally will be placed next to your name counting how many laps are completed in that giving time. The participant with the most completed laps at the end of the day will win a prize.
This year there will be a water table stationed about halfway through the course allowing participants to continue to run while staying hydrated throughout the day.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to onearmy.philanthropy@gmail.com!