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Listed are some of the most common questions we are asked but if this page does not answer your questions please contact us via email at or tweet us @GladiatorDash





  • What's the Endurance Race?

    • The Endurance Race is an endurance heat in which gladiators run the track as many times as they would like! This heat begins at 8:00 a.m. and the gladiator will keep track of their laps on a tally board.

  • I'm not an athlete, should I still sign up?

    • Absolutely; the course is designed to ensure all participants, of all skill levels, are able to participate and have a blast!

  • I can't swim. Can I still participate?

    • There is one swim station this year on the course. Like all obstacles, they are challenge by choice. There will be an alternate route that you can take to avoid the swimming all together.        

  • What if it's raining?

    • Rain only makes the dash better! Come prepared to get dirty. For dangerous weather - a final decision will be made 1 hr prior the start           of the event. 

  • Can I bring my dog?

    • Of course! It is your responsibility to watch after your dog One Army | Gladiator Dash will not be responsible. 

  • When will I get my Gladiator Dash t-shirt?

    • ​T-shirt pickup starts one hour before the first wave on race day. We will also have two days the week prior to the event to pick up shirts and bibs so you won't have to wait in line on race day.

  • Can I come and watch?

    • ​Spectators are encouraged to cheer on the participants. Parking is free and the course is designed so that many obstacles are                   viewable. Bring cameras to capture the moment!


  • When is Gladiator Dash?

    • April 13th, 2025 from 8 am - 2 pm with multiple heats starting every 10 minutes

  • Where is Gladiator Dash located?

    • This year it will be held at Lake Bryan. 8200 Sandy Point Rd, Bryan, TX 77807.

  • Will you have a secure place to keep my belongings?

    • We will have a secure gear check area at the check-in tables, including a key wall.                                                                          Otherwise you can leave valuables in your car.

  • What should I bring to Gladiator Dash?

    • Bring a photo I.D. and your wallet for food afterwards!                                                                                                                           We recommend bringing an extra change of clothes, shoes and towel. We will have some exciting surprises going on after your race you won't want to miss!

  • When should I arrive on race day?

    • We recommend arriving at least 45 minutes in advance in order to ensure proper time to park, check-in, and prepare for the race!

  • Do I have to sign a waiver?

    • When you registered online, you acknowledged our waiver forms! However, If you are signing up on race day, you must sign a waiver in which you acknowledge that by participating in Gladiator Dash 2025 you expose yourself to certain risks, including the risk of personal injury. For legal reasons, we suggest that you read and understand the waiver before you sign it on event day.




  • How do I register a team (or register with a team)? 

    • Pick a creative name and make sure everyone on the team uses it during the registration process.

  • Is there a minimum or maximum number of participants per team?

    • Your team can be as big or small as you want. No maximum or minimum.

  • Can I sign up the day of the event?

    • Absolutely! Signups will be $30 on the day of the race. To unleash your inner gladiator and get an early registration price, sign up               by clicking on the register tab now!

  • Is there an age requirement to participate in Gladiator Dash?

    • You must be at least 18 years old to participate. If you are below 18, a parent or guardian must come to Gladiator Dash with the young gladiator, sign a waiver at the registration table and the parent/guardian must run the race with the young gladiator OR be present at the race at all times while the young gladiator is present.


We will continually add answers to questions. If you have any additional questions, please
let us know by emailing us at 
or by messaging us on Facebook!


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