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Win $1,000 for your organization!


Gladiator Dash is implementing a new program this year for Texas A&M student organizations called the Giveback Program! We love giving to Still Creek Ranch, and we want to give to student organizations so they can give back to the community! 


Here's how it works:


Organizations will be divided into 4 categories; Men's/Women's Organizations, Greek Life, Freshmen/Sophomore Leadership Organizations (FLO's/SLO's), and the Corps of Cadets & Other. The organization in each category with the highest number of people signed up for Gladiator Dash 2024 will receive $1,000 towards their philanthropy or an event that organization puts on that serves the community. 


Our mission is to serve the campus and community and promote unity in Aggieland, and Gladiator Dash believes that giving back to YOU will help achieve this mission. 


If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to!


Examples of organizations in each category:

Mens/Women's Organizations & Greek Life
  • Men's/Women's/CoEd service & social organizations
Greek Life
  • Sororities
  • Fraternities
Leadership Organization (FLO/SLO)
  • Any Texas A&M FLO/SLO
Corps of Cadets & Other
  • Corps of Cadet outfits
  • Professional groups
  • Religious groups
  • Community Service groups
  • Diversity groups
  • Others groups not fitting any other category
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